- Read the following excerpts from report cards and answer the questions:
Part A: __________________________________________________________________________________
Ministry of Education Progress Report Card
Date: 22 November 2010 Reporting Period: 1
Student Name: Ibrahim Mosa ESL private school
Grade: 7 Address: 50011 Iron Ave. E.
OEN: 123-456-789 Principal: Heshmat Simon
Days absent: 2 Telephone Number: (123) 231-4567
Days Late: 5 Teacher: Ms. Khan
1. What is the OEN? And why is it important?
2. Is Ibrahim a punctual dedicated student? Why?
Part B:
Learning skills and work habits:
E – Excellent G – good S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement
Responsibility: Organization:
- Fulfills responsibilities and commitment - Devises and follows a plan and
within the learning environment. process for completing work and
- Completes and submits class work, tasks.
homework and assignments according to - Establishes priorities and manages
agreed-upon timelines. time to complete tasks and achieve
- Takes responsibility for and manages goals.
own behavior. G - Identifies, gathers, evaluates and
uses information, technology and
resources to complete tasks. E
Independent work Collaboration
- With a lot of reminders from the teacher, - Accepts various roles and an
monitors, assesses and revises plans to equitable share of work in a group.
complete tasks and meet goals. - Finds it difficult to work with others
- Can’t use class time properly to to resolve conflicts and may build
complete tasks. consensus to achieve group goals.
- follows instructions with a lot - Sometimes shares information,
of supervision. N resources and expertise and
promotes critical thinking to solve
problems and make decisions. S
3. In which areas does this student need improvement? Explain.
4. Mention three terms that show that this student is organized?
5. Give another example that shows a responsible student?
Part C: __________________________________________________________________________________
Subject Report: 1 Strengths/Nest Steps for
Social Studies B+ Student identifies some of the
natural and built features of his
community. He has described the
location and importance of places in
his community. Student can read
and create simple maps. He can
draw a map of his house, and
include all important rooms and
Health and Physical Education B Student demonstrates an
understanding of factors that
contribute to healthy development.
He identifies various body organs
and organ-systems and knows how
they collectively work to make their
body function properly.
Student's Comment
My best work is:
My plan for improvement is:
6. What is meant by “Strengths and next step for improvement”?
7. Why do you think it is important for the student to write his own comments on his report card?
Part D: __________________________________________________________________________________
Letter Grade Achievement of the Provincial Curriculum Expectations
A- To A+ - The student has demonstrated the required knowledge with a high
degree of effectiveness.
B- To B+ - The student has demonstrated the required knowledge with
considerable effectiveness.
C- To C+ - The student has demonstrated the required knowledge with some
D- To D+ - The student has demonstrated the required knowledge with limited
R - The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge.
Extensive remediation is required.
I Insufficient evidence to assign a letter grade.
Parent's / Guardian's Comment
My child has improved most in:
I will help my child to:
8. What are the differences among the above grades?
9. What do you think is the meaning of “Insufficient evidence to assign a letter grade”?
10. Why is it important for the parent/ guardian to write their comments?
Excerpts were taken from various actual report cards