Healthy Food Choices

- Make it a habit to eat a variety of healthy foods each day.
Healthy eating is a habit. Eat vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods and protein foods often to develop a healthy eating pattern and maintain your health.
The term eating pattern refers to what you eat and drink on a regular basis. In a healthy eating pattern, all the foods and drinks work together to:
- help you feel good.
- maintain your health.
- meet your nutritional needs.
How to follow a healthy eating pattern?
You can develop a healthy eating pattern by regularly eating:
1. Whole grain foods such as, quinoa, wild rice and whole grain pasta.
2. Vegetables and fruits such as legumes, lean meats, and lower fat yogurt.
The best healthy eating patterns include foods that reflect your food choices related to taste, culture, budget, and lifestyle.

Healthy Food Choices (Practice)
Make it a habit to eat a variety of healthy foods each day
A. Match the words to their meanings:
1. Habit.
2. Variety
3. Maintain
4. Develop
5. Pattern
6. Basis
7. Nutritional
8. Reflect
9. Budget
10. Lifestyle

A. food substance that the body can use.
b. The way of living
c. To cause something to grow better.
d. Many different kinds.
e. something that you do often and regularly
f. To keep in existence
g. A particular way in which something is done
h. The way things are organized
i. To show something
j. The amount of money that you spend

B. Answer the following questions:
1. What is meant by “a variety of healthy foods”?
2. How can we make healthy eating a habit?
3. Explain the term “eating pattern”?
4. What are the benefits of a healthy eating pattern?
5. How can we follow a healthy eating pattern?
6. What do healthy eating patterns reflect?
7. What do you think your eating pattern reflect the most?
