A. Identify the "subject", "verb", "object", and the verb "tense" in the following sentences:
1. Thomas is writing a new book about his favorite hobby.
Gloria prepares coffee before she goes to work every morning.
They're growing a rare kind of flower.
My team is preparing a short presentation about the new project.
The dentist takes an x-ray of my teeth every other visit.
Mike is installing a new app to update his phone.
My wife watches the weather channel every morning.
When students pass five exams, they can move to the next level.
A big number of people celebrate Christmas on December 25.
The government is building new schools, hospitals, and offices in the new city.

B. Change the following "Active" sentences into "Passive":
Grandma bakes an apple pie every time we visit her.
She is making her daughter a new dress for her graduation.
Salim goes swimming every other day.
Nuni exercises every day because she wants to stay fit.
We watch a Harry Potter movie each time we get together.
Amin is studying law because he wants to become a lawyer.
Hady and Nisso are getting married in June.
Sus is in the office and they are serving her now.
They're playing different sports to choose which one they like best.
All mothers look after their babies.
Dogs belong to the canine family.
Biro is writing a complaint to the manager.
Canadians vote for a new Prime Minister every four years.
The photographer is taking a lot of pictures of the wedding.
Karim is flying to Rome in a few days.

C. Change the following "Passive" sentences into "Active":
Your help is highly appreciated.
This cream is strongly recommended by dermatologists.
Hospitals are funded by the government.
All Patients are being treated right now.
It is said that COVID 19 is a man-made virus.
A new movie is produced every year.
Actually, this year's movie is being produced these days.
Report cards are distributed every term.
Pre-cooked dinners are prepared in advance.
Cameras and microphones are built into the new computers.
Only one attempt is allowed.
Dictionaries are used by students to find the definition of new words.
The mansion gets cleaned every other day.
Students are provided with all the necessary information before they start the exam.
The construction plan is being developed right now.