Tips to help you stick to your budget
Now that you have a budget, try to stick to it and improve it as you go.
To help you with this task, try the following:
· keep all your receipts and bills
· limit your spending as much as possible to what is in your budget
· Update your budget with any changes, for example, a pay raise, a bill increase, etc.
· compare your budget to what you actually spend at the end of each month
Evaluate your budget from time to time. If your actual spending often varies from your budget, readjust your figures to make it more realistic.
When comparing your budget to your actual spending, ask yourself the following questions:
· Are there large differences between your actual spending and your budget?
· Which categories have the largest differences?
· Are differences due to an unusual situation or is this likely to happen each month?
· Can you save enough money to reach your financial goals or pay off your debts?
Continue with this exercise each month. You can set a reminder or book time in your calendar to make sure you review your budget regularly. If you make it a habit, you are more likely to stay on track.


Tips to help you stick to your budget
A. Match the words to their definitions:
1. Stick
2. Task
3. Update
4. Raise
5. Varies
6. Readjust

7. Realistic
8. Actual
9. Due to
10. Likely
11. Reminder
A. (n) something that helps someone remember.
B. (adj) something that will probably happen or is expected.
C. Because of.
D. (adj) real; existing in fact.
E. (adj) showing a practical awareness of things as they are.
F. (v) to change in order to fit a different situation.
G. (v) to change something in amount.
H. (v) to increase.
I. (v) to make something more modern by adding new information.
J. (n) a piece of work that needs to be done.
K. (v) to keep the same level or position for a long time.
