Beat the Heat
Hot weather warnings for Toronto
Extreme heat is a health risk. Heat-related illness includes heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heat fainting, heat rash, and muscle cramps. Heat-related illness is preventable.
Watch for symptoms of heat-related illnesses which can include:

Dizziness or fainting
Nausea or vomiting

Rapid breathing and heartbeat
Extreme thirst

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately move to a cool place and drink liquids. Cool water is best, not ice-cold liquid.
Heatstroke is a medical emergency. Call 9-1-1 if you have or someone you are with has a high body temperature, along with one or a combination of the following: confused, unconscious, or has stopped sweating. While you are waiting for help, cool the person right away by moving them to a cool or shady place, remove excess clothing, and/or apply cool water to large areas of the skin or clothing.

Tips to Beat the Heat
· Drink plenty of cool water even before you feel thirsty
· Go to an air-conditioned place
· Wear loose, light-colored, breathable clothing, and when outdoors
wear a wide-brimmed hat.

· Avoid the sun and stay in the shade or use an umbrella
· Reschedule or plan outdoor exercise (e.g. run, walk, bike) during the cooler parts of the day (morning or evening) (Use the shadow rule)
· Avoid intense or moderately intense physical activity.
· Take cool showers or baths or use cool wet towels to cool down.
· Never leave a person or pet inside a parked car.

· Call, text, or video chat at-risk family, friends, or neighbors (especially older adults living alone) to make sure they are drinking plenty of fluids and keeping cool.
· If you sleep outside during the day, try to sleep in the shade. Remember the shade moves, so try to sleep in a spot that will be shady for a few hours.

Groups at Greater Risk for Heat-Related Illness

· Older adults, especially those who are living alone (Isolated)
· Infants and young children
· People with chronic illnesses, such as heart or respiratory conditions
· People with limited physical mobility.
· People who work or exercise in the heat.
· People experiencing homelessness.

Tips for seniors and children
These groups of people are at a greater risk of getting a heat stroke during the summer months. You can follow these tips to keep them safe and cool:
- Provide plenty of water. Keep them hydrated by offering them cool water from time to time.
- Use a fan or air-conditioning to keep your home cool. - Provide water and enough shade when you are outdoors.
- Never leave them unattended in hot weather.
- Heat stroke is a serious medical condition that requires immediate intervention. Untreated, it can lead to death. Act quickly to cool down your family member by moving them to a shaded area, and pouring cool water over their bodies.
Adapted from: https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/health-wellness-care/health-programs-advice/hot-weather/beat-the-heat/

A. Vocabulary:
Find the meaning of the following words:
1. Extreme: a. to suddenly become unconscious for a short time.
2. Risk: b. the mixture we get when we put things together
3. Fainting: c. not near to other places
4. Cramps: d. extra
5. Preventable: e. fast
6. Rapid: f. very strong
7. Combination: g. having a big brim
8. Wide-brimmed: h. can be stopped
9. Intense: i. able to move easily and freely
10. Mobility: j. very large in amount or degree.
11. Isolated: k. the possibility of something bad happening.
12. Excess: l. a sudden painful tightening in muscle.

B. Answer the following questions:
1. Give examples of heat-related illnesses.
2. What are the symptoms of heat-related illnesses?
3. What do you need to do if you have a heat-related illness?
4. Which tips do you follow to beat the heat?
5. Give examples of air-conditioned places.

6. What is “The Shadow Rule”?
7. Who is at greater risk of heat-related illnesses?
8. How can you help them?
9. Give examples of isolated older adults.
10. You can't visit people during COVID time. What is the alternative?

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) from the box:
Heat – Rash – Headaches – Thirsty – Symptoms – Sweat – Excess – Shade – Fluids - Exercise
1. My son always cries when he is _________________________________________.
2. People who work outdoors _________________________________________ a lot.
3. Teach your children to stay under the _________________ when they feel very hot.
4. Samira always gets very bad _____________________________ during heat waves.
5. The government of Canada issues ______________________ warnings in the summer.
6. If you get heat exhaustion, try to drink lots of _______________________________.
7. People with sensitive skin get ___________________________________ very easily.
8. It’s important to ____________ either early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
9. To beat the heat, take off any _______________________ clothing you’re wearing.
10. ____________________ of heatstroke are, fainting, vomiting and rapid heartbeat.

D. Dictation:
- Write the words that you hear from your teacher.
1. Beat the heat.
2. Extreme heat is a health risk.
3. Heat rash.
4. Muscle cramps.
5. Heat-related illness is preventable.
6. Cool the person by moving them to a shady place.
7. Drink plenty of cool water.
8. Wear loose breathable clothing.
9. Avoid the sun or use an umbrella.
10. Remember to follow the shadow rule.