Crime and Punishment
- Match the pictures with the vocabulary:
Judge – Jail – Hand cuff – Arrest – Fingerprint – Detective – Transcript – Badge – Gavel – Breaking & Entering
a. b.

c. d.

e. f.

g. h.

i. j.


Match the words with their meanings:
1. Sentence a. the crime of intentionally starting a fire.
2. Assault b. the crime of intentionally killing someone.
3. Vandalism c. the crime of killing a person unintentionally.
4. Kidnapping d. an illegal copy of a document, painting, bill etc.
5. Manslaughter e. A violent attack.
6. Murder f. damage to public or private property.
7. Shoplifting g. the action of taking a person away illegally by force.
8. Arson h. the act of taking something that belongs to someone and
keeping it.
9. Forgery i. A punishment given by a judge in court to a person after being
found guilty.
10. Theft j. the illegal act of taking goods from a store without paying for

People in the courtroom:
defence attorney - prosecutor - plaintiff - deputy - witness - defendant - judge - bailiff - jury - lawyer
1. A ---------- is someone whose job is to give people legal advice and to speak for them in court.
2. A ---------- is a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime in court.
3. A ---------- is an attorney representing a defendant in a lawsuit.
4. A ---------- is someone who is legally appointed to take decisions instead of another person.
5. A ---------- is someone who makes a legal complaint against someone else in court.
6. A --------- is someone who is accused of having done something illegal.
7. A --------- is a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and makes decisions on legal matters.
8. A ---------- is an official who is responsible for prisoners who are appearing in court.
9. A --------- is a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in trial in a law court and to decide if a person is guilty or not.
10. A ---------- who sees a crime or accident.